Ruff and Ready: The Place of Doggy Daycare in Establishing a Pawsitively Perfect Routine for Your Pup

Doggy Daycare Brisbane

Dogs absolutely thrive on routine. They are at ease when they know what time they’ll
be fed, walked, what time the kids come home from school, and when they’ll be
taken down to the local coffee shop on a Saturday morning for their weekly
Working to establish a healthy and consistent routine for your dog is crucial to
reducing potential stress and anxiety so their cognitive functioning can be at its peak,
and they can be their happiest and healthiest versions of themselves.
However as life can be chaotic, and at best we can struggle managing our own
routines, it can be difficult to establish and stick to one for our beloved dogs.
So…here’s some simple steps to creating a fool-proof doggy daycare routine for
your dog.
1. Book in for regular daycare visits – we find that dogs who visit daycare on
a regular basis (at least one time per week) settle in faster during the day, are
calmer, are less stimulated and can better socialise as they are likely to get to
know the other dogs better with frequent playtime with their friends.
2. Try to visit the same days each week – try to pick a day or two each week
that works best for you and try to stick to that as much as you can. Dogs have
a great internal clock. They will quickly become aware of their designated
daycare days and will wake up excited and ready to go, instead of playing an
internal guessing game each morning of what their agenda will be for that day.
Most dogs who visit daycare do frequent on the same days each week, so it’ll
give your dog a really great chance to get to know the pups they’re sharing
their days with.
3. Feed your dog breakfast at least 1 hour before dropoff- dogs tummies
though fairly robust, can also be quite sensitive. If you usually feed your dog
breakfast, we recommend doing so at least an hour before drop off to ensure
that their meal has digested and wont cause digestive issues during play.
4. Try to pick up and drop off at similar times each day – this way, your dog
will know that today is a daycare day, and will conversely, in the afternoon,
know that at a certain time, you’ll be there to pick them up and they’ll have the
chance to continue their home routine of dinner and sleep.
Our daycare pricing options reflect the notion that dogs thrive with routine, which is
why we have heavily discounted packages available for frequent visits.
Our affordable pricing helps us to pursue our mission to make regular daycare visits
part of the routines of inner-city Brisbane pups to help them live their happiest lives.
Regular visits to doggy daycare aren’t just about fun—they’re a cornerstone of a
well-rounded routine for your beloved companion!